Event | Oral history and art history meet with new project on Rauschenberg
February 15, 2018, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, Knox Hall 509, Columbia University The Columbia Center for Oral History Archives is anticipating the arrival of oral histories conducted about artist Robert Rauschenberg. For a sneak preview of the project, conducted by the Center for Oral History Research and INCITE, join us for this seminar detailing, “an […]
Are you following @1968CU on Twitter?
The Low Down spoke with RBML curator Jocelyn Wilk about her thinking behind @1968CU, the University Archive’s new Twitter feed documenting the 1968 protests that shook Columbia’s campus. A new @columbialib project is using a historical Twitter feed to document the protests that took place at the University in 1968 (@1968CU). Read all about it […]
Civil rights leader Bayard Rustin on the class conscious roots of SNCC
Since the 1990s, with social historians looking back on how we’ve told the history of the Civil Rights Movement, Bayard Rustin has come to the fore as a central leader in the movement. Specifically, for decades, he was the unsung hero behind the conceptualization of the 1963 March on Washington. But more than that, this […]
Event | Roger Chartier on textual mobility
Wednesday, 7 February 2018, 6pm, Room 523 in Butler Library On Wednesday, February 7, the RBML and Karla Nielsen, Curator of Literature and Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature, hosts Roger Chartier, Professor in the Collège de France and Annenberg Visiting Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Chartier will use Molière’s play, […]