To commemorate the student-led protests at Columbia in 1968, University Archives is re-telling the events, 50 years on, by harnessing the fast pace and vast reach of modern journalism: what if campus media, like the Columbia Spectator, had Twitter to report on the protests and rallies of 1968? Follow @1968CU on Twitter this spring as the […]
Event | The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative Media in America
Jan. 23, 6pm, Butler Library, Room 203 A talk by John McMillian on the role of the underground press in the 1960s, with a focus on coverage of the Columbia student protests of 1968. McMillian is an Associate Professor of History at Georgia State University, and the author of Smoking Typewriters: The Sixties Underground Press […]
Marking the 50th anniversary of 1968’s youthquake
From January through June 2018, the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University will be sponsoring a range of programs to commemorate and discuss the fiftieth anniversary of the global revolutions, uprisings, and repressions, of 1968. This spring RBML’s Dr. Thai Jones, Curator for American history, has scheduled a number of events designed for […]
New exhibition | 1968: The Global Revolutions
Visit our new exhibition, “1968: The Global Revolutions,” in the RBML’s Kempner Gallery on the sixth floor of Butler Library. […]
New! Oral history testimony about conflicts in Chechnya and Nagorno-Karabakh are available
Thomas de Waal’s interview project started as most good oral history and archival projects do: with the unearthing of an object that triggers memories and curiosity. This time it was a box of dusty cassettes. Mr. de Waal spoke with some sixty participants and policymakers during the struggle between former Soviet Republics Armenia and Azerbaijan […]