A recent acquisition by Karla Nielsen, Curator of Literature, of material relating to La Monte Young and Angus MacLise from Kenneth Mallory Booksellers coincides with a unique, historical audio recording discovered recently in the Amiri Baraka Papers (pictured above). The set of 1964 concert posters for La Monte Young’s performing ensemble, then consisting of […]
Tag: Finds!
Book History Colloquium: “Traces in the Stacks: 19th-Century Book Use and the Future of Library Collections”
Tues., October 28th @ 6:00 PM Andrew Stauffer, Associate Professor of English and Director of NINES, University of Virginia The Book Traces Project engages the question of the future of the print record in the wake of wide-scale digitization. College and university libraries increasingly reconfigure access to nineteenth-century texts through public-domain versions via repositories such […]
The Depth of New Yorker Films
Written by Sarah Cassone, Processing Intern Dan Talbot Papers MS Student, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University One thing that is striking upon processing the Dan Talbot Papers is the types of materials his company kept and the attention to detail each film was given. When I think about the […]
The Death of the Guest Book
Written by Sarah Cassone, Processing Intern Dan Talbot Papers MS student, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University I’m currently working on processing the Dan Talbot Papers at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University. The Dan Talbot Papers were acquired by RBML in April 2009. Dan Talbot was […]
Amos Vogel Papers and Tributes
by Jennifer Lee Columbia’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library has been the home to Amos Vogel’s papers since 2008. After’s Amos’s death last year, his family found more papers in the Vogel apartment near Washington Square. These have now come to Columbia, and will be added to the 149 boxes of material already open to […]