Streaming audio content from Naxos Music Library and Naxos Jazz is now available in CLIO! Over 4,500 records from Naxos Music Library and 1,500 records from Naxos Jazz have been added to CLIO records. This means that when you are searching CLIO, any available Naxos streaming audio content which matches your search will come up, along with the usual results for CDs and LPs held by the Libraries.
First, search CLIO by Keyword, including the keyword "naxos" or "naxos jazz"
Once you’ve selected the item you’re looking for, click on the Online Link, to take you to the Naxos Music Library.
You can now listen to any track from the album, using the Naxos Music Library
This post from the Music & Arts Library news blog has more information about this exciting new feature.