Librarian Highlight: Kathleen Kehoe


Librarian: Kathleen Kehoe

Title: Biological Sciences, Physics & Astronomy Librarian and Coordinator of Collection Development for Science & Engineering Libraries

Subject specialties: Biological Sciences, Ecology, Physics and Astronomy

Contact info: 212 854 4182,

Library: Integrated Science Library, opening 2010

@ Columbia Libraries since: 1985

Education Info: B.A. Hunter College, M. L.S. Columbia University School of Library Service

About me: "Until this summer, I divided my time between two branch libraries – the Biological Sciences Library and The Physics & Astronomy Library. These libraries are being merged with the Psychology and Chemistry Libraries and the four collections will be housed together in a new library, opening in 2010. It is an exciting time – planning for the services, computer resources, and library collection that will serve all the science students and faculty in a new space."

What’s new at my library: My library is under construction! It will be in opened when the space is the new Science Tower is completed. Until then, I am temporarily located in the Engineering Library in Mudd Hall, and am available to work with students, faculty and researchers.

Personal favorite: Pubmed (The National Library of Medicine’s Medline database). Pubmed has a spiffy, new, user-friendly interface. The database contains more than 19 million citations to biomedical articles in many languages.

Recommended resources:

  • Medline: an index of the biomedical literature
  • Biological Abstracts: citations and abstracts from life sciences literature. Some citations have links to full text articles
  • Scopus: provides indexing, abstracting of and citation linking to journals in many fields all the sciences, social sciences, business and medicine
  • Inspec: covers journal articles and conference proceedings in physics, astronomy, electrical & electronics engineering, computer sciences