Name: Kenny Crews
Title: Director, Copyright Advisory Office
Subject specialities: Copyright and related issues as they are important to the work of libraries and universities.
Contact info: or just drop by if you see the door open in Butler Library, room 507.
Library: Columbia Copyright Advisory Office (CAO)
@ Columbia since: 2008
Education info: My family taught me how to fend for myself and fight for whatever I am going to get. Years of sparring over the law have taught me how to endure blows and try to be diplomatic. I also went to college. I studied history at Northwestern University, law at Washington University, and I earned a Master’s and a Ph.D. at UCLA in library and information science.
About me: I’m a copyright lawyer and librarian, working with Columbia University Libraries. The CAO has a central mission to address, in a creative and constructive manner, the relationship between copyright law and the work of the university in order to best promote research, teaching, library services, and community involvement.
I like to work hard and have adventures in travel and ideas whenever I can. I like rock and roll and Broadway musicals. I am married to Elizabeth Crews, and we have two grown children and a little fluffy dog. I like to learn more about my colleagues, so please feel free to introduce yourself. I also recently completed the manuscript for the third edition of my book, Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions. It should be available in early 2011.
What’s new: Each day in copyright brings a steady flow of new things, and I find the change and dynamism of the work to be exciting. Here is a brief list of some things on my desk right now:
- Meetings and communications around the University to encourage open access of scholarly works.
- Reviews and recommendations about publication agreements.
- National initiative to include “author rights” language in agreements for the acquisition of journal databases.
- Supreme Court ruling this week affecting the importation of foreign copyrighted works.
- Copyright bill that actually made its way through the lame-duck Congress and was signed by the President.
- Meeting about the digitization and access to sound recordings.
- Meeting about digitization of maps.
- Proposed language for a possible international treaty on copyright law for libraries and education.
- Court ruling from the Netherlands that affects access to and downloading of materials there from the internet.
- Inquiry about the lawfulness of a work of art that is actually made up of lines of computer code that is executable (I am not kidding).
- Wondering if the court will rule today on the Google Books settlement and what that ruling might mean for us.
Personal favorite: I refer regularly to some of the extensive treatises on copyright law, especially Nimmer on Copyright. For more provocative thinking, I have enjoyed The Soul of Creativity by Roberta Rosenthal Kwall and The Public Domain by James Boyle.
Recommended resources: If you have questions about fair use, permissions, publication agreements, the duration of copyright, and more, try the CAO website: I am always happy when people have taken a look at the materials on the website before asking the a question. I welcome your comments!
I also refer frequently to the website of the U.S. Copyright Office ( It provides easy access to informative "circulars" about copyright issues as well as the current Copyright Act, historical materials, and a trove of background materials about the latest developments in the law.