Please join the Libraries in welcoming Professor Jonathan Sarna, a leading commentator on American Jewish history, religion, and life, on Monday, October 3, when he presents "General Grant and the Jews: The Election of 1868 and the Origins of Jewish Politics in the United States."
The lecture will explore Ulysses S. Grant’s notorious, anti-Semitic decision to expel all Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi during the Civil War. During the talk, a copy of the infamous General Order No. 11 will be provided.
"General Grant and the Jews: The Election of 1868 and the Origins of Jewish Politics in the United States"
Monday, October 3
Faculty Room, Low Memorial Library
535 W. 116th St
To register, please email
Faculty Room, Low Memorial Library
535 W. 116th St
To register, please email
Check out more information about the Norman E. Alexander Foundation for Jewish Studies, Professor Jonathan Sarna, and Columbia’s collection of Jewish Studies.