Several individuals from a student workforce of more than 300 were recognized with the 2018 Outstanding Student Employee Award. These students have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their work and are recognized for their numerous contributions to our Libraries.
Molly Boord (General Studies), Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Kate Burt (School of Engineering and Applied Science), Digital Scholarship
Daniel Casanova (Teachers College), Science, Engineering, and Social Science Library
Anna Duong (Columbia College), Arthur W. Diamond Law Library
Brandon Harrington (Union Theological Seminary), Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary
Crystal Herrera Pereira (General Studies), Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library
Rebecca Potts (Union Theological Seminary), Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary
Kelly Powers (Columbia College), Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Sabina Espinal Soloranzo (Columbia College), Thomas J. Watson Library of Business and Economics
Congratulations to the award winners and a heartfelt thanks to all of our student employees, without whom our work in the Libraries would be incomplete.