Columbia University Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of the Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks Web Archive. Curated by Amanda Bielskas (Columbia University), Brittany Wofford (Duke University), Jane Quigley (Dartmouth College), and Emily Wild (Princeton University) — under the auspices of the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation — the Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks Web Archive aims to preserve web-based geoscience field trip guidebooks, which document local geologic information and are often ephemeral. More information about the individual guidebooks included in the archive can be found in the Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database. If you’d like to nominate a guidebook for inclusion in the Archive, you may do so via this form.

Web archives preserve vulnerable information that may disappear from the live web and capture the ways in which selected websites have evolved over time. The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation’s Web Resources Collection Program is a collaborative collection development effort to build curated, thematic collections of freely available, but at-risk, web content in order to support research throughout the Confederation. Learn more about the Program and explore additional collections here.
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