Tomorrow, October 25 the Survey & Interview Studies workshop is happening. If you want to sign up please use the link below. This is the last DIY workshop for the semester. Understand how to collect data using surveys and interviews. Sampling, question development, and implementation will be covered. Doing sensitive research and working with vulnerable […]
Python Open Labs- Session 4
Hi everyone In the fourth session of Python Open Labs, we covered the basics of loops and iterations. Today’s session covered the basics of using a while loop and also introduce the csv python library. Please check out the course material on: See you next week ! […]
Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA)
Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) is a web based interface that allows access and analysis of data. The data can be accessed from IPUMS or from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). SDA allows you to: Browse the codebook describing a dataset Calculate frequencies or crosstabulation (with charts) Do comparison of means […]
R Open Labs – Data Manipulation
Today we introduced merge(), factor() and some basic techniques for handling missing values during the first 30 minutes of the open lab. For the rest of the open lab, there were free discussions about personal projects the participants are working on. We also introduced package swirl. Swirl package teaches you R programming interactively. Thank you to everyone who […]
Map Club — Interactive Maps with Mapzen
Last week, Map Club revisited Tangram, the powerful open-source renderer for Mapzen. (We first explored Mapzen over the summer.) Mapzen is an open, sustainable, and accessible mapping platform that offers intricate control over the design of web-based maps. Centered on a map of Manhattan, attendees referenced the comprehensive documentation page to alter the drawing style of Tangram’s vector tile service. […]
Reminder-Ethnography & Observation Studies
Just a reminder that this Tuesday,October 18, we have a workshop in Ethnography & Observation Studies. If you would like to participate please use the link below to register. Understand how to collect data on individual/group activities and social interactions through ethnographic fieldwork and participant-observation. Methodological strengths, limitations, and documenting field notes will […]
Python Open Labs Session – 3
Hi Everyone Today in the third session of Python Open Labs we covered defining user functions, getting familiar with built-in functions, a quick revision of conditional statements and various ways and exercises to use functions and their advantages. The course material from all Python Open Labs Session is available on […]
R Open Labs – Plotting
Yesterday we briefly talked about how to do plotting in R. We mainly discussed plot(), barplot(), hist() and Lattice package. Thank you to everyone who showed up and we will explore more data visualization techniques for next session. Also, from next session on, the open lab will be much less structured and will involve more […]
More Bloomberg Terminal Training. Sign up now!
Bloomberg is an excellent research tool. Not only can you see all the business information for the corporations you are researching but they also have a law section called B-law that allows you to research cases. This is an excellent thing to train in and so popular they have added even more training courses! Sign […]
R Open Labs – Basic Syntax
Hi all, last Wednesday we kicked off the first session of R Open Lab in the DSSC( based in Lehman Library). We started with basic syntax and briefly discussed how to explore the features of our datasets. We used data from Wal-Mart and we will continue exploring this dataset for the next few sessions. Beginners are welcome […]