The Journalism Library will be closed tomorrow, Friday, 12/21, through Tuesday, January 1st, and will reopen on Wednesday, January 2nd. Journalism Library hours are posted on the website for your convenience. Wishing you safe travels and happy holidays! See you in the new year! […]
Journalism Library Hours Friday, December 14th
The Journalism Library will be closed Friday, December 14th from 1:00-4:00pm to accommodate an event but will be reopen for regular business hours from 4:00-6:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation. If you need research assistance earlier in the day, please send email to: or visit Lehman Social Sciences Library. […]
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Ever wonder about Columbia's exciting historical newspapers collection? So much journalism history is right at your fingertips, including titles like The (New York) Sun from which the famous declaration to eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon was written in 1897. You can find this letter to the editor in The Sun in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, […]
Tips & Tricks For Getting Through Finals
The Libraries are here to support you throughout the end of the semester! Here's how: Stressbusters will be in Butler 203 on Wednesday, December 12, giving backrubs, and offering tips for reducing stress and more. Librarians will also be on hand to answer questions and hand out healthy study snacks. Check out Facebook for more info. […]
Attend “The Golden Age of Theatrical Scrapbooks, 1880-1930” Monday, December 3
On Monday, December 3, Sharon Marcus, Orlando Harriman Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, will be presenting a lecture on "The Golden Age of Theatrical Scrapbooks, 1880-1930." The event is free and open to the public and will take place in 523 Butler Library at 6pm. Theatrical scrapbooks are some of the least […]
Thanksgiving Hours At The Libraries
Students, researchers and faculty, plan your study time and research hours accordingly! This week the libraries will operate on a modified schedule. For the hours of all libraries on campus, please visit Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! […]
C.V. Starr East Asian Library Hosts Art Exhibition By Seisai
The C.V. Starr East Asian Library is pleased to announce the opening of a special exhibit of fifteen prints by Seisai (the artist name of Peter MacMillan), from his series Thirty-Six New Views of Mount Fuji. This exhibition takes place in the Starr Library rare book reading room and will be on view through November […]
Check Out Opera ‘Amor & Psyche’ Monday – For Free!
On Monday, November 12, Burke Library will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Friends of the Burke Library with a performance of "Amor & Psyche," a baroque opera pastiche by Opera Feroce. The New York Times said this show's "comic antics offset sorrowful music, while lighthearted placards and emoticons provided tongue-in-cheek plot updates." It's […]
Are Corporations People Too?
The Libraries hope everyone was able to weather Hurricane Sandy this week. As the campus and New York City get back to normal, we are excited to present " 'Corporations are People Too:' The Strange History of Corporations and the 14th Amendment" on Wednesday, November 7. This lecture by Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Professor of […]
What Is Open Access Week?
Open Access Week is a global event promoting the opportunity for academic communities to continue to share the results of their research and scholarship. It runs October 22-28, 2012. Columbia University Libraries and the Scholarly Communication Program are pleased to host three events promoting open access and its benefits this week! Monday October 22, 1:00 […]