by Jessica Gentile, Social Media Intern From June 28th through July 1st, CUIT will be closing selected Butler labs, one each morning, for maintenance. Labs should re-open by 12pm each day. Here’s a quick rundown of what day each lab will be closed: Tuesday 6/28 Butler 209 Wednesday 6/29 Butler 212 & 214 Thursday 6/30 […]
Check Out Summer Geographic Information System Workshops At The DSSC
by Jessica Gentile, Social Media Intern Over the summer, the Libraries’ are offering a variety of GIS workshops, covering both basic and advanced topics and technologies. Here’s a listing of what’s coming up this June, July, and August. To register for any of these workshops, visit the DSSC website. We hope to see you there! Working […]
AIDS in Oral History: Doctors and Activists Look Back on 30 Years of the Epidemic
by Jessica Gentile AIDS in Oral History marks the thirtieth anniversary of the first documented case of HIV/AIDS. As part of the special event, two leading oral historians, Jim Hubbard co-director of the ACT UP Oral History Project and Prof. Gerald Oppenheimer, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, and co-author of AIDS Doctors: Voices from […]
Avery Drawings on the Road, Pentagon Papers and More!
by Jessica Gentile Here’s a round up of the latest happenings at Columbia’s Libraries. Avery Library Avery Library’s drawings and archives are on the road. Museums across the country, including the San Diego Museum of Art, University of Virginia Art Museum and more, are displaying works on loan from Avery in their current exhibitions. The […]
CLIO New Arrivals Now Publicly Available
by Jessica Gentile The Library Information Technology Office is now making CLIO New Arrivals publicly available on the main CLIO web page. This service allows you to search and discover new acquisitions from within the past three months by the Columbia University Libraries. You can search for resources by title, author and keyword as well as […]
New Exhibition “1968: Columbia in Crisis” Now Available Online
by Jessica Gentile In April 1968, student protesters occupied five buildings on Columbia’s campus, as a means of voicing discontent over the Vietnam war and University military recruitment, among other administrative policies. It was an powerful event that forever changed the dynamics between the student body and the administration. The Columbia University Archives, a unit […]
Barnard Library Closing June 10 Through Mid-July
The Barnard Library circulating book and media collections will be unavailable beginning Friday, June 10 through mid-July. The closing is necessary while the collections are shifted for an upcoming renovation. The first floor of the Library will remain open. We apologize for any inconvenience. To access alternative copies of materials in Barnard Library, please check […]
Check out our Summer Workshops!
by Jessica Gentile Over the summer, the Libraries will continue to offer many free research and technology workshops to support students and faculty. Here’s a listing of what’s coming up this June and July. (You can find a complete listing of Libraries workshops and instructional classes on our website.) We hope to see you soon! […]
The Oral History Research Office Gets a New Name
The Columbia University Libraries announced yesterday that the Oral History Research Office has been renamed the Columbia Center for Oral History (CCOH). "This name change is expressive of the increasing centrality of oral history itself, in creating archives of memory, working across the disciplines and connecting the academy to the world just beyond it’s borders," […]
Summer Hours Are In Effect
Welcome to summer! Summer hours are in effect. Please be sure to check out the libraries hours page for changes to individual library schedules. […]