Spring break hours at most libraries begin on Friday, March 11. Below is a quick look at the hours at Butler starting today. Please see our comprehensive list of spring break hours for all of Columbia’s libraries . […]
Columbia University Libraries Got a URL Make-Over!
The Columbia University Libraries have a brand new URL! For us this means our new link is sleek and chic, but what does that mean for you? Bascially any place you have your Columbia Library bookmarks stored needs to be updated with the new link. The new URL goes into effect Friday, March 11. So take […]
The Edward W. Said Reading Room Is Open!
Looking for a new place to study? Last night marked the opening of the new Edward W. Said Reading Room, room 616 in Butler Library. Dedicated in memory of Edward W. Said, an internationally renowned author, educator, public intellectual, and a member of Columbia’s faculty from 1963-2003, the room reflects Said’s eclectic interests with nearly […]
Librarian Highlight: John Tofanelli
Name: John Tofanelli Title: Research Collections and Services Librarian for British and American History and Literature Subject Specialities: American History and Literature, American Studies, African American Studies, Asian American Studies, Latino/a Studies, British History and Literature Contact Info: jt628@columbia.edu Library: Butler Library @Columbia Since: 2000 Education Info: PhD in English, Stanford University; Masters in Library […]
Check out “Notes from an Egyptian Revolution”
The Sixth Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture will be held on Tuesday at 8:30pm in the International Affairs Building, room 417. Preeminent author Ahdaf Soueif will be speaking on "Notes from an Egyptian Revolution." A novelist and political and cultural commentator, Soueif spent much of the Egyptian revolution in Tahrir Square. She will give a first-hand […]
What’s Going on in the Libraries in March?
Ah, March! A month that brings the promise of spring on the lips of cold winter weather. But remember, the libraries are warm and dry and full of things to do! Check out some of the events going on this month: Today Models for Campus-Based Publishing 12pm, Alfred Lerner Hall Room 555 A panel discussion exploring the […]
The Committee to Protect Journalists and Columbia University Celebrates 30 Years of Defending Freedom of the Press
While freedom of the press has historically been a hot button topic, the recent attacks on journalists in Egypt, and now Libya, remind us how important this issue is, everyday, worldwide. On Friday, March 4th, the Committee to Protect Journalists, a nonprofit organization founded to promote freedom of the press, will be celebrating their 30th […]
Get Help With Your NSF Grant Proposals
Are you planning on applying for a grant from the National Science Foundation this semester? Well, the rules have recently changed. The NSF now requires that all proposals submitted post-January 18, 2011 contain a data management plan. This plan must address how your project will comply with the NSF’s data sharing policy, an initiative put […]
There’s a New Way to Find Articles
Reference Librarian Sarah Witte recently posted on the Butler Library blog about a new way to conduct article searches. This very fast “webscale discovery service” searches journals and newspapers, in both full-text and citations. The functionality allows you to limit the results by article type, publication date, subject term, and even language. To get to this feature, […]
Librarian Highlight: Anthony J. Elia
Name: Anthony J. Elia Title: Public Services Librarian Subject Specialities: Bible; Historical Theology; Church History; Theological Education, Technology, & Pedagogy; History & Sociology of Reading & the Book Contact info: aje2117@columbia.edu, (212) 851-5608, (sorry, no Twitter) Library: The Burke Library (inside Union Theological Seminary) @ Columbia since: September 2010 Education info: A.B. St. Lawrence University […]