The new iGoogle Gadget features a variety of search options for Columbia University Libraries resources, including books, journals, articles, music, film/videos, and much more! The Gadget also features news, blogs, and links to libraries and research help. Install it on your iGoogle home page using the instructions below. Sign into iGoogle using your Google account […]
Text a Call Number to Your Phone From CLIObeta
CLIObeta now offers the ability to send a information about an item at the Libraries (author, title, location, call number) via text message to a cell phone, or if you prefer, via email to any mobile device. Here’s how: Conduct your search in CLIObeta, and select the item you want Click on "Send to phone" […]
Copyright Advisory Office at Columbia University
The Copyright Advisory Office of Columbia University in the City of New York, a leading provider of copyright resources for the educational community, has launched a fully revised and updated website. The principal mission of the Copyright Advisory Office (CAO), under the directorship of Dr. Kenneth Crews, is to provide copyright information and guidance for […]
Butler Library 75th Anniversary Exhibit
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the building of Butler Library, an exhibit of more than 100 photographs decorate the bulletin board display on the third floor of Butler Library. The photographs span the decades and showcase the excavation and rise of South Hall (as it was originally named), design details throughout the building, […]
Free Laptop Engraving at Butler Library 11/11/09
Back by popular demand! On Wednesday, November 11, you can stop by the Butler lobby between 11AM and 2PM for free engraving and registration of laptops and other electronics by CU Public Safety. About once a month, a laptop is stolen in Butler Library. Please keep your belongings safe! Never leave items unintended at the library. […]
New E-link Features: Fast Access to Full-Text
E-link connects you with the full-text of articles provided by the Libraries’ thousands of electronic resources, e-journals and databases. We recently upgraded e-link. Here’s an overview of how it works. Run a search in your favorite Libraries database or in the Columbia view of Google Scholar If the full-text is not automatically available within the […]
Google Scholar
You can access the full-text journal and database content provided by Columbia University Libraries directly from Google Scholar. Just type the title of a journal article into Google Scholar and then link directly to Columbia’s full-text via "e-Link@Columbia." If you’re on campus, and you search Google Scholar, you will automatically see the "e-link @ […]
Book History Colloquium: “The Creation of a Photographic Book in 1866” with Claudia Funke
The Book History Colloquium is pleased to announce "The Creation of a Photographic Book in 1866: P.B. Wight’s National Academy of Design." In this talk, Claudia Funke, Curator of Rare Books at Avery, will explore the fascinating and rich circumstances of this unusual publication, including contemporaneous photographic commerce and book publishing; aesthetic theory and artistic […]
Receive Email Updates From the Spotlight BLOG
If you’re not into RSS readers, you can still get updates from the Libraries’ Spotlight BLOG via email. Just enter your email address in the sidebar under "Get email updates from the Spotlight BLOG" and click "Subscribe." You will receive an email whenever we post something new to the BLOG, keeping you up-to-date on what’s happening […]
New Browser Search Plugins
The Libraries now offers new browser search plugins to enable you to quickly search CLIO, World Cat, the Columbia University email/phone directory, the Libraries website, and more, straight from your browser! These plugins are designed to work for both Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.0+. To install, simply click on the link for the […]