About once a month, a laptop is stolen in Butler Library. Please keep your belongings safe! Never leave items unintended at the library. And, today you can stop by the Butler lobby between 11AM and 2PM for free engraving and registration of laptops and other electronics by CU Public Safety. Dear Public Safety Friends, CU […]
The Libraries, in collaboration with the School of the Arts, is pleased to offer the Columbia community with subscription access to Lynda.com. Lynda.com is a great website for software training and online tutorials, including Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustratorand InDesign CSS Final Cut Pro Flash PHP Ruby on Rails Web development software like Dreamweaver and […]
Schedule a Research Consultation
If you’re thinking about your senior thesis, MA project, or PhD thesis, schedule a research consultation with a subject specialist librarian to get started. Research consultations are an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with a subject specialist librarian to discuss your topic and learn about relevant resources and research strategies. Consultations are available with […]
Library Widgets: Install the LibX Toolbar
The LibX Toolbar (Columbia University Edition) is a Firefox extension which provides direct access to the Libraries’ resources from any website. You can search CLIO, find articles or databases, and connect to Columbia-provided full text via Google Scholar from the LibX toolbar or the quick-and-easy right-click menu. You can also search CLIO from Google, Amazon, […]
IM a Librarian
A quick reminder that our Ask Us Now IM service is offering extended hours this semester! Mondays, 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM Tuesdays, 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM Wednesdays, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM Fridays, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Just log in with your UNI and password to get […]
Cinema in New York: an Evening in Honor of Dan Talbot
Join the Friends of the Columbia Libraries for an evening of conversation about film culture in New York in honor of Dan Talbot, film distributor and founder of New Yorker Films. The event will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 22, in Room 523 of Butler Library, and is free and open to […]
Study Spaces
With 24,923 students on-campus, finding a comfortable place to study can be challenging. Luckily, there are 22 libraries offering a variety of study environments to suit your needs. Looking for something with lots of windows, quiet space, or room for a group? Need to be close to coffee? What’s open after midnight? Visit the Study […]
Become a Fan of the Libraries on Facebook
The Libraries are now on Facebook. Become a fan and follow our updates about news, events, workshops, research help, CLIO Tips, and much more. Go to www.facebook.com/culibraries and become a fan! […]
CLIO is sporting a new look – and new features! Try CLIO beta. Here are a few of the new features and improvements: Keyword search is now the default search, and Keyword search results are now sorted by relevance Links to Google Books appear when available (see below) You can add a note when […]
You Spoke, We Listened: New Extended Hours at the Engineering Library!
Beginning Sunday, October 4, the Engineering Library will be open until 3:00 AM on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays during the academic year. Check the hours website for a daily schedule. We received many constructive comments from the Libraries’ 2009 Online Survey, and students requested longer hours at the Engineering library. We are thrilled […]