‘Tis the season of graduations—from our college undergraduates to the newly-minted PhD’s, this month has been full of brilliant now-former students becoming a part of the extended alumni network. As alums, you continue to have access to the Columbia Libraries System, in modified ways.

Do not fear—your access to beloved library materials does not end with your matriculation from Barnard, Columbia, Teachers College, or Union Theological Seminary.
You can go onto the Columbia Libraries homepage and learn about access privileges at http://library.columbia.edu/services/using-libraries/alumni.html
Some of the highlights of alumni access privileges:
- You can access E-Resources from the comfort of your own home!
- You may come in and utilize the library and look at materials in person for the rest of your life!
- You have the opportunity to pay for borrowing privileges for $30/month. Borrowing privileges may be purchased over in Butler Library at the Library Information Office.