DO BETTER: A Call to Re-Imagine Oral History

How can we truly listen? How can we ensure the stories we capture are both authentic and accessible? These are the questions driving the Oral History Archives at Columbia’s latest display, DO BETTER: Reflexively + Critically Encountering Oral History Methods. Join us as we embark on a journey through the evolution of oral history, challenging […]

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Nikola Tesla and Seth Low

In May 1895, newspapers around the country reported that Columbia President and alumnus Seth Low (CC 1870) had donated $1 million for the construction of the library building on the future Morningside Heights campus. This was at the time the largest donation ever made by an individual to a college or university. Low received letters […]

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From In Absentia to In Person

The Office of the Secretary recently sent out its yearly appeal asking members of the Columbia community to submit nominations for this year’s honorary degree and University Medal for Excellence recipients. The University aims to honor individuals “across all of the various areas of study and fields of academia.” The only restrictions are that honorees […]

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[workshop] Self Preservation: Making Space for Your Memory

  Oral historian and urban planner Ambar Wortham leads a sliding scale 3-hour interactive workshop on: the importance of preserving your own story and ensuring your life experiences are remembered for generations to come. Together, we will learn how self-preservation is as vital as the care you offer others, techniques to reflect on and organize […]

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