Major League Baseball (MLB) has declared that, starting this year, June 2 will annually be set aside to pay tribute to the late Lou Gehrig, the legendary New York Yankees first baseman whose career was cut short by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – the disease forever associated with him. Did you know that before he played for the Yankees, Gehrig was known as “Columbia Lou”, playing both football and baseball for Columbia? Well, he did and to help mark this inaugural event in honor of Gehrig, the University Archives has compiled all of our Gehrig resources into a new research guide to help those wanting to know more!

Our research guide details everything you may want to know about “Columbia Lou” found in our collections. Resources include yearbook entries, photographs, news and magazine articles, alumni updates as well as information sheets about his playing time and positions in all the games he played for Columbia. There’s a surprising amount of material at hand in our collections and we’re delighted to share it with the public.