News from the RBML’s Archivists and Collections Management Specialists | December 2020

Kevin Schlottmann, RBML’s Head Archivist, shares these updates about finding aids that our archivist and collections management specialists have stewarded over the past month and made available for RBML researchers – a season of bounty even in a global pandemics! Newly digitized oral history collections Gail Mary Killian and Stephen Desroches sound recordings, 1970-2003 “The […]

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“’Twas the Night Before Christmas” and Columbia

Did you know that in 1822 Clement Clark Moore, Columbia College Class of 1798 and a most loyal Columbian, created the iconic Santa Claus with a beard “as white as the snow,” “a little round belly, that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly” and a bundle of toys “flung on his […]

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