Now that Commencement has passed and the campus has calmed, are you thinking summer about travel plans? Here’s some inspiration from the University Archives: three travel diaries from three very different writers and from very different times and circumstances. […]
RBML summer hours
Commencement has come and gone on Columbia’s campus. Bleachers are clattering down in front of Butler Library and RBML researchers are making their way into our reading room in a steady stream. A few reminders: Always check the RBML website for our summer hours. You can complete registration and ordering materials before you arrive at […]
CU summer housing: Lorca slept here
Welcome to the start of Columbia’s 2018 summer session! We recently processed a collection of Columbia Men’s Residence Hall Registers and Ledger Books. The registers served as a directory of residents for each of the earliest dorms on the Morningside campus. Organized by last name and first initial, the books list the room number, mail […]
Shavu’ot: The holiday of the Torah
The holiday of Shavu’ot is one of the lesser known holidays in the Jewish calendar. It doesn’t involve obvious rituals, like eating flat crackers for a week, living in a hut in the backyard, blowing a ram’s horn, or fasting. Shavu’ot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, and is […]
Featured oral history | Max Pruss, the captain of the Hindenburg airship
One can’t help but notice the explosion of podcasts available for download from sources both commercial and nonprofit. The Columbia Center for Oral History Archives fields requests for permission to use excerpts from our oral history collection in radio and podcast productions. In addition to any restrictions or permissions that might apply, as Curator of […]