News from RBML’s Archivists | February 2020

New finding aids: School of Social Work Records, 1898-circa 2000s, bulk circa 1930s-1980s “Records of one of the oldest schools of social work in the United States, founded in 1898 as the New York School of Philanthropy and affiliated with the Charity Organization Society of New York City. The school merged with Columbia University in […]

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RBML welcomes “Fandom’s Fantucchio” fanzine/fan art collection

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is delighted to announce the acquisition of the collection of the late artist John Fantucchio (1938-2016), consisting of fanzines, art, con programs, and more. We extend our profound thanks to Mary Fantucchio for her generous gift. The history of comics fandom is fascinating, and dotted liberally with teenagers who […]

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Spot the Differences: Columbia University campus view from 1903

Becky Chapin from the Geneva Historical Society recently shared this postcard with the University Archives. The postcard features a great shot of a very early Low Library and the Morningside campus. It also includes University President Nicholas Murray Butler’s signature and date, May 23, 1903. Look very carefully at the picture and see how many […]

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