Jonathan Marty, PhD student in City & Regional Planning at Berkeley, recently visited the RBML to delve into the papers of Marshall Berman, Marxist philosopher, historian, and theorist of NYC. Below, Marty describes his long-awaited and Covid-delayed visit to the RBML and the beginnings of his project, The Socrates of Hamilton Heights: The Life and Times […]
Research at the RBML | Ann Hornaday on All the Presidents’s Men
Ann Hornaday, movie critic at The Washington Post, recently visited the RBML as part of her research for her project entitled, “Follow the Money: The Making of ‘All the President’s Men.’” Below she discusses discovering multiple drafts of William Goldman’s screenplay, and how Woodward and Bernstein were transformed into big screen characters by Alan Pakula […]
Research at the RBML | A. Brad Schwartz on Ed Murrow and Fred Friendly
Historian Brad Schwartz recently visited the RBML as part of his research on legendary broadcaster Edward Murrow. Currently a graduate student at Princeton, Brad delved into the RBML’s rich journalism collections and oral histories of journalists. Below he describes how his visit to the RBML fits into his ongoing project, Newsman: Edward R. Murrow and […]
Columbia’s Yew Trees
Senior Class gifts have evolved significantly over the years. In the early days of Columbia on Morningside Heights, the Senior Class ended their Class Day with the presentation of the class gift: the planting of a yew tree and a speech given by a Yew Tree Orator chosen by the class. Why would students give […]
An A-to-Z of Oral History at Columbia: “E” is for Ethics
An A-to-Z of Oral History at Columbia is a monthly posting featuring the people, events, and organizations in the Oral History Archive at Columbia’s collections, as well as behind-the-scenes info about oral history methodology. The next two entries in the OHAC A-to-Z focus on what happens behind-the-scenes in oral history methodology and archival […]