New Exhibition | Insistent Change: Columbia’s Core Curriculum at 100

In 1919 Columbia instituted a course of study known as Contemporary Civilization. It grew out of a War Issues course offered during World War I. Every student was required to take the course in order to provide a forum to analyze and discuss primary texts relevant to contemporary problems. Insistent Change shows how the course […]

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Oral History | OHMA’s spring workshop series announced

Our colleagues in the Oral History Master’s Program (OHMA) have an exciting  line-up of talks and workshops for spring semester. February 6, 2020, 6:10 – 7:30 PM Art, Oral History, and New Approaches to Telling the “Story” of Institutionalization in Pennsylvania Nicki Pombier Berger, Lisa Sonneborn February 13, 2020, 6:10 – 7:30 PM The Stories […]

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RBML’s Spring 2020 Exhibition! “The Year of Water: Selections from Columbia’s Book Arts Collection”

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is exhibiting artists books relating to Columbia University’s Year of Water, Items range from New York City Rainfall 1987 by Sandy Gellis, a portfolio of prints which document a year’s rainfall, to this year’s My Mighty Journey, which traces 12,000 years of a waterfall’s existence, with illustrations created with natural materials […]

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Dining with Homer: University Commons in 1919

The University Archives exhibition cube currently features some photographs of the University Commons, the on-campus dining room in the old University Hall located behind Low Library. The Commons had served as a highly-efficient cafeteria while the student-soldiers of the Student Army Training Corps (SATC) were on campus in 1918-1919. With the end of World War I, […]

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