We see you every day, handing you a lockers key as you walk in each morning, and receiving it back toward the end of the day. Most often you’re hunkered down over a particular archive, getting to understand a portion of one of our archives better than anyone who works in the RBML. We await […]
100 years of Bauhaus
Bauhaus, the German school where crafts met fine arts and spawned a style, brand and movement, turns 100 this year. Walter Gropius received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters at a 1961 commencement. Columbia President Grayson Kirk recognized him as “a formulator of architectural controls which help to guide the Contemporary Movement” and as a […]
New oral history collection available | Columbia’s LGBTQ Oral History Project
Newly available in the RBML’s reading room and oral history archives is a six-interview collection detailing the lives and experiences of LGBTQ+ people and allies affiliated with Columbia University. The LGBTQ Columbia University Oral History Project includes interviews with noted alumni and affiliates John D’Emilio, Tony Kushner, Robbie Kaplan, Ann Kansfield, Laura Pinsky and Dennis […]
Book History Colloquium | Who made this book? Bookwork in the Global Supply Chain
18 April 2019 | 6pm | Room 523 Butler Library Most any author can tell you who published their book, but how many know where it was printed? Or by whom? This talk explores the nature of contemporary bookmaking amid the realities of a global supply chain, an increasingly casualized labor market, and digital workflows […]
Reprocessing reveals role of disability in Randolph Bourne’s radicalism

Archival materials have the curious ability to change their meanings over time. Scholars in different eras, regarding the same items, can interpret them in vastly different—sometimes even contradictory—ways. Largely, this is scholarship functioning as it was intended, as different methods and fields of inquiry develop and are modified in turn. Yet it is especially true […]