We recently received some materials from Ellen Ruth Mayer, whose grandfather was former Emeritus Professor of Economics Carl Shoup. The records offer a personal record of the Shoup Tax Mission to Japan in 1949-1950 and its continuing legacy. These are now available to researchers as part of the Department of Economics records. […]
Tag: Columbia University
Now Available | Columbia University Web Archives 1996-2010
Have you ever wished you could go back in time and see what Columbia’s website looked like before now? Since July 2010 the University Archives has been helping our users do just that. As part of its mission to preserve and provide access to the institutional history of Columbia in all formats, the UA has […]
Now Available | John Purroy Mitchel Papers
We recently processed a small of collection of notebooks, essays, and exam books by John Purroy Mitchel, Columbia College Class of 1899. Mitchel’s time at Columbia was in the midst of major changes: he started as student at Columbia College on 49th Street and was part of the second class to graduate from Columbia University […]
Mr. Week’s Chapel Attendance Book
As is stated in the King’s College charter, “daily service should be constantly performed in the said college forever.” According to the Laws and Orders from 1755, every student was required to attend morning prayers or they could be fined two pence for being absent or one penny for being late. There were even stated […]
Now Available | Department of Classics records
As former Professor of Greek Edward Perry once noted, “in the accounts of the early years of King’s College among the few subjects at first taught there were Greek and Latin.” President Samuel Johnson was the first instructor, assisted by his son, William Samuel Johnson. Classics has a long and proud history at Columbia and […]