Mr. Week’s Chapel Attendance Book

As is stated in the King’s College charter, “daily service should be constantly performed in the said college forever.” According to the Laws and Orders from 1755, every student was required to attend morning prayers or they could be fined two pence for being absent or one penny for being late. There were even stated […]

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Now Available | Department of Classics records

As former Professor of Greek Edward Perry once noted, “in the accounts of the early years of King’s College among the few subjects at first taught there were Greek and Latin.” President Samuel Johnson was the first instructor, assisted by his son, William Samuel Johnson. Classics has a long and proud history at Columbia and […]

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Tea with Mrs. Low

We recently processed the Faculty Association records. Originally known as the Association for University Teas, the Faculty Association was founded by a group of Columbia wives in 1902 to “further the social life of Columbia families.” For 80 years, the Association hosted events for new faculty families as well as for retirees and widows. And […]

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The Roll of Honor at the University Archives

In the Butler Library lobby, to the left of the Athena mural, you will find the War Memorial Plaque. This monument honors the Columbia alumni who lost their lives in conflicts starting from the American Revolution. Unveiled in December 2008, the plaque was accompanied by a dedicated website to collect the names of these alumni […]

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Play Ball | World Series Winners at Columbia

As the Houston Astros and the Atlanta Braves meet in this year’s World Series, we look to past World Series greats and their connections to Columbia. And just to keep things interesting, we are not even going to include “Columbia Lou,” aka Lou Gehrig (CC 1925), who appeared in 7 World Series and won 6 […]

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