The Columbia Libraries are now on the CU YouTube channel. Watch our Library Essentials video tutorials, an overview of our recent exhibition on the Andrew Alpern Collection of Drawing Instruments, seminars from the Oral History Workshops, the CDRS scholarly communication series Research Without Borders, or check out Murder in the Stacks. Subscribe to the Columbia University Channel […]
Librarian Highlight: Kenny Crews
Name: Kenny Crews Title: Director, Copyright Advisory Office Subject specialities: Copyright and related issues as they are important to the work of libraries and universities. Contact info: or just drop by if you see the door open in Butler Library, room 507. Library: Columbia Copyright Advisory Office (CAO) @ Columbia since: 2008 Education […]
Extended Library Hours for Finals
The following Libraries are offering extended hours for finals period. Check the hours webpage of each library for details. Barnard Library Burke Library (UTS) Butler Library 23/7 Milstein Reading Rooms: 202, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 213a, 214 (Butler Lounge), 301, 303, 303a, 304, 310, 403, 403a, 404, 405, 406a, 406, 407, 408, 409, 409a […]
Need Resources? Try a Subject Guide
Still looking for articles for a research paper? Subject guides are a great way to identify resources when writing a research paper or working on a class project. A subject guide is a bibliography of (mostly) online resources for a particular subject area, for instance Women’s Studies, Graphic Novels, Sociology, Terrorism, or British History. These […]
Research Help @ the Libraries
Need advice for end of semester research? Ask a librarian for tips, pointers or in-depth guidance about your research papers and final projects. Come by the library during walk-in reference hours to speak to a librarian in person. Or Ask Us anytime via email, phone, text message or IM. For in-depth assistance, schedule a one-on-one […]
Library Holiday Hours
Be sure to check library hours before visiting a Columbia library this week. Many libraries are operating on limited hours for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving from the Libraries! […]
Columbia’s Bwog recently launched a new series – BiblioBwog – to highlight the Libraries collections. Bwog has hopped and camped in libraries, but we’ve never actually explored their contents. The Columbia libraries are a treasure trove of exciting history, so with the help of our lovely librarian friends, we’re going to highlight some hidden jewels. […]
The Digital Humanities Center in Butler Library
The ETS is now the Digital Humanities Center (DHC)! This past summer, the Electronic Text Service, located in 305 Butler Library, became the Digital Humanities Center. The DHC brings together people, technology, and information resources in an environment where researchers can work with multimedia resources in consultation with humanities librarians and technology specialists. Visitors to […]
New Digital Music Lab
The Libraries is pleased to announce our new Digital Music Lab in the Music & Arts Library. The Digital Music Lab enables you to compose, play, record, scan, notate, edit, program, and analyze digital audio and music. The lab consists of 4 Mac workstations, 2 digital pianos, and an 11"x17" scanner. We invite you to […]
Librarian Highlight: Cristina Ergunay
Name: Cristina Ergunay Title: Journalism Librarian Subject Specialities: Journalism, social sciences, NYC resources Contact Info:, twitter/JournalismLib Library: Journalism Library @ Columbia Since: 2008 About me: "I’m here to help with journalism and reporting resources, including New York City neighborhood research and statistics, and historical newspapers. Some days you can find me at the […]