Did you know the Columbia University Oral History Research Office (OHRO) is the oldest oral history archive in the world? Founded by Pulitzer Prize winning historian Allan Nevins in 1948, the collection now holds over 9,000 interviews and nearly 20,000 hours of conversation on almost every aspect of political and cultural history. As a […]
CUIT Network Upgrade in Butler Library
Good news! While you were away, CUIT upgraded the network in Butler Library. The network is now more secure, more reliable, and should provide you with overall better performance. So, plug-in and enjoy! Need technical support? Contact the CUIT Helpdesk. […]
Thomas Roma, Photographer and Columbia Professor, Exhibition at the Wallach Art Gallery
Columbia University’s Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery begins 2010 with a rare opportunity to view exhibition prints from Thomas Roma’s published works. Pictures for Books is open to the public from Wednesday, January 20, through Saturday, March 27. In conjunction with the exhibition, the gallery presents a conversation between the curator and artist […]
More Libraries Blogs
The Spotlight BLOG isn’t the only blog in town. Check out these other fine blogs, awaiting your subscription, from the Libraries. Features and Shorts: The long and short of researching film studies and performing arts at the Libraries CUL Spatial: GIS and spatial data news, workshops, tips, and more Digital Social Science Center Blog: This […]
CRL Primary Source Awards
The Columbia Libraries, a CRL membership library, encourages researchers, faculty and librarians to submit a nomination to the Center for Research Libraries Primary Source Awards. The Primary Source Awards are an annual juried competition designed to recognize and publicize librarians, teachers, and researchers whose innovative use of CRL primary source materials result in activities and initiatives […]
Interlibrary Loan Service Interuption
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system will be unavailable on Thursday morning, 1/7/2010, for a necessary upgrade. We expect to have the system up and running again by early afternoon. We apologize for the inconvenience. Call the ILL Office, (212) 854-7535, with questions. […]
Rare Book and Manuscript Library in the NYTimes
From the article, Modernist Furniture of Futures Past by Eve M. Kahn: Pack-Rat Bounty Lawyers, at least competent ones, love orderly paperwork, the chronological or alphabetical files in which every i is dotted and t crossed, just in case an opposing counsel or disgruntled client tries to find fault years later. A dusty example of […]
Columbia Image Bank on ARTStor
The Columbia Image Bank is now available as a hosted collection in the ARTstor digital image library. Columbia users can search the Image Bank as a separate collection, or alongside all ARTstor content. The Image Bank includes over 66,000 images covering a broad range of subjects, cultures and time periods. Access outstanding examples of the […]
Winter Break Hours
Happy Holidays from the Libraries! The Libraries will be closed on December 24, 25, 31 and January 1. Please check library hours before stopping by during break. Credit: Eileen Barroso / Columbia University […]
Extended Library Hours for Finals
The following Libraries are offering extended hours for finals period. Check the hours webpage for each library for details. Barnard Library Burke Library (UTS) Business Library Butler Library 23/7 Milstein Reading Rooms: 202, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 213a, 214 (Butler Lounge), 301, 303, 303a, 304, 310, 403, 403a, 404, 405, 406a, 406, 407, 408, […]