Fitting in the Final Pieces of the Puzzle: an Interlinked Collection

This semester is the beginning of the end for a collection that has been meticulously processed, studied, and preserved over the past three years. By the end of 2014, every scrap of paper from the Missionary Research Library Collection – a vast assortment of papers are related in some way to Christian missionary work around […]

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St. Leander

There are several obvious candidates for "patron saint" of the Burke Library, and one of them would certainly be Leander van Ess (1772-1847). Van Ess, erstwhile Benedictine and translator of an immensely popular German New Testament, amassed what would become the Library's first, core collection. Edward T. Robinson, a member of Union Theological Seminary's founding […]

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2014 Library Research Awards

Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (CUL/IS) invites applications from scholars and researchers to its annual program designed to facilitate access to Columbia’s special and unique collections, the Library Research Awards.   CUL/IS will award ten (10) grants of $2500 each on a competitive basis to researchers who can demonstrate a compelling need to consult CUL/IS holdings for […]

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Why coming to seminary was not the stupidest decision I’ve ever made after all

I didn’t come to seminary looking for a career.  I spent most of my early twenties in a “career.”  Starting out as a graphic designer, events planner, and marketing coordinator for a large southeastern material handling corporation, I went on to work for the third largest life insurance company in the U.S. followed by a […]

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